John Sebastian
- The Four of Us [Reprise, 1971] C
- The Tarzana Kid [Reprise, 1974] C-
See Also:
Consumer Guide Reviews:
The Four of Us [Reprise, 1971]
Sebastian makes the mistake of beginning this with two great blues, after which his own funk and mawk sound lifeless. This is unfair. They're really only feckless--or careless, like his love. The title suite (or whatever it is) is the tie-dyed mind at its sloppiest. C
The Tarzana Kid [Reprise, 1974]
It's nice to know California John isn't doing this for money. He's so warm he never has to sing for his supper--he can always get work as a chafing dish. C-
Further Notes:
Everything Rocks and Nothing Ever Dies [1990s]