Consumer Guide Album
Santigold: Spirituals [Little Jerk, 2022]
The longtime biz pro born Santi White in Philadelphia in 1976 released her first and formerly best album at 32. After a six-year layoff not counting the 2018 outtakes venture that gave her time to have twins, this is her fourth and her sharpest, transmuting the atmospheric midtempo rock-as-electrodance she's long fiddled with so engagingly into something more ominous, almost as if she's observant enough to notice that she's living in history. From the "My Horror" opener's "Here I come, there I go/I can't feel it's like I'm paralyzed" to the "Fall First" finale's "I slam the brakes but you say no way/But before you know we're there," she sounds very glad to have a companion in a struggle by no means devoid of satisfactions.